2013 Fete Funds
This just to let everyone know what the Fete Funds are going to be used for by the different organisations.
The School will be having new library furniture being installed in September so the PTA will be spending their share on new books for the library.
The Church will be using their share towards the repairs on the roof we had earlier this year and in the future.
The village hall share will go towards the new toilet.
Thank you so much for choosing Stepping Stones as your chosen charity for the summer fete, we really appreciate your help and support. Some of the money will be used to fund the production of our own PECS cards. Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a strategy used to support children who have a speech and language disorder, and significant communication difficulties. It supports children by giving them a functional way of indicating what they want – initiating their needs.
It can be used to support children with no verbal language and to support and extend functional language where they are able to use some words. It provides an underpinning of the use of language and begins to develop the use of simple sentence structure.
We will be able to produce cards appropriate to each individual child for distribution to parents and other nurseries that the child attends. This would enable every child to have their own voice, we will be purchasing Printer ink, card, laminator pockets and Giles.
We will also be purchasing some of new equipment for our sensory room, that all of the children at Stepping Stones will be able to use. As you can see, all the funds have enabled the organisations to do what they would not have been able to without your support
A BIG THANK YOU once again
Bob Norton, Fete Chairman